frequently asked questions
when will my order be shipped?
most orders will ship within 2 business days.
when will I receive my order?
all shipments from basic. are sent via usps 2-day with tracking. your order should arrive between 2-3 business days following shipment.
how much does shipping cost?
everything shipped domestically within the united states is free-ninety-nine. international shipping costs may vary.
what do i do if there is something wrong with my order?
first of all, we apologize! we're only human, and sometimes we make mistakes. we'll fix it!
contact us, and let us know what your problem is. a basic. representative will reach out to you shortly thereafter with a solution.
who made my clothes?
the goods and apparel we carry are always ethically-made by individuals paid living wages in dignified working environments. read more here.
what is your return policy?
please refer to our returns page.
do you ship internationally?
basic. ships all over the world, but we do not offer free international shipping. overseas shipping options are available at checkout.
customs fees may apply.
not exactly what you need?
send us an email to tell us what's up and someone from our customer service team will get back to you as soon as possible. be sure to include your order number (if you have one).