big baggu reusable tote


$ 18.00 USD

a serious shopping bag or just a fun slouchy carry-all, this oversized, incredibly durable tote is perfect for travel, laundry, or the grocery store.

however you decide to use it, the big baggu resuable tote carries up to 50lbs comfortably over the shoulder.

dimensions |

when unfolded, 33"hx18"wx9"d.

when folded into its included pouch, the big baggu measures 6"x6".

materials + care |

baggu bags are made from 100% recycled ripstop nylon. we recommend machine wash cold + hang to dry.

production details |

baggu products are ethically-made by partnering manufacturers.


Estimated delivery between october 21 and october 23.


while we do provide free shipping for orders $150+, as an ethical small business amid rising costs, we're now asking customers to cover the costs of their returns. thank you for continuing to support small business!

if you aren't completely satisfied with your purchase, please request a return via your customer account OR email with your order number within 14 days of receipt.

we ask that items be returned in the same new condition that they were sent with original tags still attached and no signs of wear, wash, or use. once we receive the products and verify their condition, your refund will be credited to the payment method used to purchase.

we reserve the right to refuse a refund if the product shows signs of wear or has been altered from its original condition in any way. should this happen, you may choose to have the item(s) sent back to you at your own expense.

**items not eligible for return include gift cards, back2basic., vintage apparel, candles, hair accessories, jewelry, hosiery, and hats.

all sale items are final sale. all sale-on-sale discounts are also final sale.

learn more here.


big baggu reusable tote

$ 18.00 USD

$ 18.00 USD

ethical ethos

basic. stocks ethically-made apparel + lifestyle goods from brands with transparent supply chains.


we are proudly 100% womxn-owned + led with long-term equity opportunities for our team.

social impact

basic. donates a portion of every sale to groups doing work in human rights. current recipient: the yellowhammer fund.