radical fiber: threads connecting art & science


$ 50.00 USD

can crochet explain the complexities of non-euclidean geometry? how does the 1804 jacquard loom relate to modern computing? radical fiber celebrates the overlap between art, science, interdisciplinary creativity and collaborative learning.

for centuries, fiber arts have influenced sciences as diverse as digital technology, mathematics, neuroscience, medicine and more. radical fiber explores this relationship through contemporary art and historical artifacts that address five key themes: shape, machine, body, brain and community. how did the accidental discovery of synthetic mauveine dye in 1856 pave the way for modern pharmaceuticals while also generating toxic waste? why do we respond differently to a woven photograph than a printed one? these and other questions reframe the fiber/science intersection and ask how the medium can be used to improve our world for the future.

Estimated delivery between october 22 and october 24.


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