art x fashion


$ 45.00 USD

long before “collabs” became a buzzword, artists played a pivotal role in shaping the fashion world. art x fashion is an engaging collection that explores the dynamic relationship between these two creative realms, highlighting various aspects of inspiration, collaboration, and artists venturing into fashion and fashion photography.

this insightful book introduces readers to legendary designers like coco chanel and elsa schiaparelli, who famously collaborated with artists such as picasso and dalí in the early twentieth century. it also showcases iconic fashion moments, including yves saint laurent’s 1965 homage to piet mondrian.

explore the fascinating pairings of art and fashion, from john galliano’s designs inspired by tutankhamun’s death mask, arcimboldo, gustav klimt, and hokusai, to guo pei’s homage to velázquez and margiela’s inspiration from gauguin. the innovative creations of iris van herpen, influenced by paul delvaux, reveal surprising connections that enrich both art and fashion.

featuring projects by street artists like keith haring and kaws, this book captures the essence of collaborations that have redefined the boundaries of creativity, illustrating how art and fashion continue to inspire one another in captivating ways.

Estimated delivery between october 22 and october 24.


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**items not eligible for return include gift cards, back2basic., vintage apparel, candles, hair accessories, jewelry, hosiery, and hats.

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$ 45.00 USD

ethical ethos

basic. stocks ethically-made apparel + lifestyle goods from brands with transparent supply chains.


we are proudly 100% womxn-owned + led with long-term equity opportunities for our team.

social impact

basic. donates a portion of every sale to groups doing work in human rights. current recipient: the yellowhammer fund.