maya drake for basic.'s black history month feature

black HERstory - maya drake

Maya Drake power poses with her hands on her hips for Black HERstory.


I work in healthcare, but I indulge in different activities; recently it’s been a trash to treasure project with different furniture pieces I find in random places. Modeling will always be a passion of mine, so I’ve made it a hobby.


So, 75% of the time, I’m wearing scrubs (because work), but my style changes based on my mood or my plans for the day. My overall style starts with COMFORT! I like things that have a nice, clean look, but also wears good. I rarely wear anything that’s not loose fit or has a little slouch.


“Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” -Maya Angelou


I believe that knowledge is wisdom, but I don’t mean educational knowledge, I mean life knowledge. The more you see, the more you know, the more questions you ask, the more you learn. To earn wisdom, seek knowledge.


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